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RuneScape Yakamaru Guide

Are you a new RuneScape player looking for a guide that can help you take on Yakamaru? You’re at the right spot! In the following guide, we have added everything there is to know about this beast. We’ll be talking about the mechanics, as well as the best strategy to defeat it.

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It’s worth noting that during the fight you’ll see Yakamaru moving around a lot. The boss basically jumps from pool to pool when its health begins to deplete. The pools also showcase different phases of the boss, meaning it’ll attack with a different set of abilities as it jumps. There are a total of five phases of Yakamar, and the beast caps at 5,600,000 HP.

With the battle in motion, the boss will attack those who are within its 20×20 radius. You won’t be seeing any melee attacks from Yakamaru. It’ll attack with Magic when you’re at melee distance, and attack with Ranged when you’re a few blocks away.

One of its attacks involved tentacles coming from the ground and damaging the nearby players. You can always counter with Devotion or Debilitate as it helps reduce the damage intake.

If you’re a DPS-focused player, you need to stand at prayer range from the boss because its accuracy is significantly high. Make sure you have good high-defense gear. There are a few incoming attacks that might miss but they’ll be followed by one that won’t.

The power of the hit will be 50% of the damage that would’ve occurred in the first hit. If your character is Tank-focused, you can adopt the method of taking Yakamaru down in melee distance, but make sure you have the best-in-slot equipment for defense.

Leaving so soon?

If you try to leave in the middle of the battle, you’ll get a message stating how Yakamaru hasn’t taken your cowardice well. Similarly, if you’re out of combat range, you’ll get a message about how Yakamaru is displeased with your cowardice, and it’ll be followed by a projectile attack.

This attack will deplete 2,000 health points. So, it’s better to make sure you’re not out of combat range. The only way to leave the fight is by removing yourself from the group or asking the leader to kick you out.

Anything else?

There are several roles you can adapt to while playing as a team to defeat the boss. For instance, the Base Tank serves as the main target and will be taking most of the incoming damage from the boss. There’s also the Poison Tank, which collects Yakamaru’s Poison at the end of every pool.

The poison is later used to kill the boss. CPR’s role is about helping the Poison Tank right after Yakamaru has been poisoned, while also helping North Tanks inflict damage. Besides that, there are Stun DPS, Sand Tanks, and Shark Tags. Let’s look dive deep into the details.

Moving ahead

DPS players need to attack with all their might and ensure that their rotations are going smoothly. Poison tanks have to collect Yakamaru’s poison and apply it back on him. CPR players have to aid the Poison Tanks once the poison has been applied.

Sand tanks will be working alongside Base tanks to help them out Shark tags lure away the focus of sharks from DPS. Stun DPS will have to target the stun pools and take them out. Finally, Base tanks have to keep their focus entirely on dealing with Yakamaru’s hits.


After gaining an insight into what you’re about to experience, we hope you can strategize your team accordingly and succeed in defeating this dreadful monster. Good luck!